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Communique from the General Definitory - May 2022 Tempo Forte

18 June 2022

The May Tempo Forte took place from 9 to 21 May 2022, including the Conference Presidents' Meeting from 17 to 20 May 2022. After a serious and careful discernment process, on 13 May, the General Definitory elected Br Ignacio CEJA JIMÉNEZ as Vicar General of the Order; he succeeds Most Rev. Isauro Ulises COVILI LINFATI, Bishop-elect of Iquique (Chile). During this Tempo Forte, the General Definitory approved amendments to the Particular Statutes of 7 entities of the Order, and scholarships were granted to several new students for the academic year 2022/2023, together with an obedience to reside in the "Beato Gabriele M. Allegra" Fraternity, at the CISA. Also, on 13 May, the General Definitory had the opportunity to meet with members of CIRE, with whom there was ample time for dialogue on the economic and financial issues of the General Curia. During the present Tempo Forte, the lists of candidates for the service of Minister Provincial and Custos of the following Entities were approved: Provinces of San Felipe de Jesús in Mexico, St Francis in Poland, St Francis in Mexico, and St Elizabeth in Germany; Custodies of St Anthony, in the Philippines, and Fegnxiang. The following acts of elections were ratified:

The Reports at the conclusion of the Canonical Visitation of the Province of the Immaculate Conception BVM in Brazil and the Province of St Casimir in Lithuania were analysed. The Report on the Status of the St Francis of Assisi Foundation in Papua New Guinea, dependent on the General Minister, was again reviewed and discussed in an attempt to better outline this entity's potential future and the Friars enrolled in it. The St Francis of Assisi Foundation in Myanmar, hitherto under the care of the General Minister, has been entrusted to the care of the San Pedro Bautista Province in the Philippines. The following cases of separation from the Order were dealt with:

Two cases of graviora delicta and five cases of possible delicts contra sextum were examined. The following were elected Visitators General:

On 21 May, Br Miljenko ŠTEKO, of the Province of the Assumption BVM, in Bosnia-Herzegovina, was elected Guardian of St Anthony's International College. From 17 to 20 May, the Definitory welcomed the Conference Presidents who discussed some of the Mandates formulated by the last General Chapter. There were four days of work with a brisk pace, where the following topics were discussed:

The next Tempo Forte is scheduled from 11 to 22 July 2022, immediately after the meeting with the new Provincial Ministers and Custodes, from 29 June to 8 July. To the praise of Christ and the Poverello of Assisi. Amen!   Rome, 16 June 2022 Br Giovanni Rinaldi, OFM Secretary General

General Definitorium
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