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Extraordinary Provincial Chapter in Peru

Missionary Province of San Francisco Solano

28 August 2024

From the 19th to the 23rd of August, the Extraordinary Provincial Chapter of the Missionary Province of St. Francis Solano of Peru was held in the Convent of Our Lady of the Angels (known as the "Convent of the Barefoot") in the Rímac district of the city of Lima, Peru. The purpose of this Chapter was to review and update the Particular Statutes of the Missionary Province, in order to strengthen the evangelising work in Peru.

All the brothers of the Province participated, under the presidency of the Provincial Minister, Br Marcos Saravia Orellana, OFM, accompanied by the Delegate of the Order, Br Mario Wilson Ramos Novoa, OFM.

The Chapter began with a reflection presented by Br. Andrés Alegre Paredes, OFM, Brother Canonist of the Missionary Province and currently Assistant to the General Secretariat of the Order.

The work and dedication of the Friars, who in these days, between group work and plenary sessions, have arrived at the drafting of the new Statutes of the Province, which will be sent to the General Curia for revision and approval, should be noted.

May the Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Angels, continue to enlighten the Missionary Province of St. Francis Solano of Peru in its work for the good of the People of God.

Br. Jorge Ñiquen Urquiza, OFM

Provincial Secretary for Evangelisation and Missions - St. Francis Solano Missionary Province, Peru

Chapters OFM in the World
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