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Letter of the Minister and the General Definitory for the Solemnity of Saint Francis 2022

26 September 2022

“This year, on the feast of St Francis, we wish to comment with you on Pope Francis’ Rescript of 18 May 2022, by which lay friars are admitted to the service of government. We share the joy of this step that the Church has taken, thanks to the long study journey and request of our Family and other Institutes. This message is addressed to the Friars Minor, the Contemplative Sisters, and the Family as a reminder of our common charism”. This is what we read in the Letter of the Minister General, Br Massimo Fusarelli, and the General Definitory on the occasion of the upcoming Solemnity of Our Holy Father Francis. Full text of the Letter: PDF: English - Italiano Español  

OFM in the World General Definitorium
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