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The Custodial Assembly of Mozambique

Towards the celebratory Chapter of the new Province

22 July 2024

«United in the “land of good people”, in the Diocese of Inhambane, the brothers of the Autonomous Custody of St. Clare of Assisi have wished to have an assembly so as to evaluate and review the life of the Custody as the way of walking together towards the celebratory Chapter which will mark the beginning of the new Province in July 2025».

The assembly took place at Guiúa Centre, in Mozambique, from 15th to 20th July 2024, under the Presidency of the Custos Br. Lage Nhampoca Luís Afonso and in the presence of Br. Isidro Pereira Lamelas, the Delegate of the Minister General. During the assembly, the friars took the decision of «walking together with joy and in the faith of the Catholic Church (Jubilee of 2025), in the charism of St. Francis and Clare (Centenary of the stigmata), elevating our La Verna to the better identification with Christ but also the Canticle of the Creatures (2025), which is a great responsibility in taking care of our “common house” and our brothers and sisters whom the Lord gives us». 

In as far as the preparations for the chapter of 2025 are concerned, the celebration of the Chapter will mark the transition from the Autonomous Custody to the Province. The friars discussed some themes that reflect the life of the Custody. All the themes were presented by the Custos and the Minister General’s Delegate; they reflected about the Instrumentum laboris presented by the Commission for the Assembly. The themes were centered on Formation, economy of the Custody, JPIC, Spiritual Assistance to the Poor Clares, OFS and Franciscan Youth and were presented by the respective friars who are responsible. The discussions were fraternal and sincere.

On the last day of the meeting the Minister General, Br. Massimo Fusarelli, in his message addressed the friars by expressing his fraternal communion and his appreciation “for important steps which are being carried out for the radicality of our Franciscan charism in Mozambique.”

Taking into account the growth of numbers in vocations, the Minister General exhorted the brothers to invest “their time and resources in ongoing formation of the friars and accompaniment of the young friars”. In the area of evangelization, Br. Massimo encouraged the friars “to continue enlarging the horizons inside and outside Mozambique” with new presence.

In the Assembly 39 Solemn and Temporary Professed Friars participated, coming from 12 fraternities spread in Mozambique and South Africa. Others who participated were two Franciscan Bishops, Mons. Adriano Langa, OFM, Bishop Emeritus of Inhambane, and Mons. Hilário da Cruz Massingue, OFM, Auxiliary Bishop of Inhambane.

According to the Particular Statutes of the Custody, the Custodial Assembly is carried out once a year so as to promote communication among the friars and the Council, dealing with the important issues of observing the Rule, the activities of the Custody, economy and contribution to the preparation of Custodial Chapter.

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