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Venerable Alfredo Morganti "Berta", OFM

21 May 2022
On    2022, the Holy Father Francis received in audience Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. During the audience, the Supreme Pontiff authorised the Congregation to promulgate the Decree concerning: the heroic virtues of the Servant of God Alfredo Morganti "Berta", professed priest of the Order of Friars Minor, born in Pianello di Ostra, diocese of Senigallia, on 5 June 1886 and died in Sassoferrato on 2 October 1969; VENERABLE ALFREDO MORGANTI “BERTA”, OFM The new Venerable, Br Alfredo Morganti Berta (1886-1969), belonged to the Province of the Friars Minor of the Marches. In his long life, he was a teacher of philosophy and formator of young religious, guardian, Minister Provincial in the sexennium 1936-1942 and several times Visitator in various Provinces of Italy. From 1946 to 1957, he was in Rome as a teacher in the Apostolic College of St Francis a Ripa and then spiritual guide in the International College of St Anthony. He was always attentive to implementing the spirit of the Rule. In constant discernment of God's will, he formed himself to the genuine spirituality of communion, in generous and full dedication to his beloved Franciscan family. In governance and formation assignments, he wisely exercised the ministry of spiritual care and fraternal custody towards the community, as well as towards individual friars. In an atmosphere of confidence and familiarity, the gift of accompaniment, like a loving and demanding 'mother', characterised his personal journey and that of fraternity, freedom and responsibility, prayer and apostolate, study and work. Back in the Marches, in Matelica, he lived the last twelve years of his life as a confessor and spiritual director of Franciscan students. He died on 2 October 1969 in the infirmary of Sassoferrato, surrounded by a vast reputation for holiness. The cause for beatification began in 1978 by Br Antonio Cairoli, OFM, Postulator General of the Order.
General Definitorium
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