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Pardon of Assisi 2024

Inauguration of the celebrations on the occasion of the Franciscan solemnity

01 August 2024

With the celebration of the Eucharist in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Angels , the Pardon of Assisi officially opened on the 1st August 2024, which will allow you to gain the plenary indulgence until midnight on the 2nd August in all parish and Franciscan churches around the world.

Br. Massimo Fusarelli, Minister General of the Order of Friars Minor, in his homily focused on the link between the Virgin Mary, Christ Crucified and the mercy of the Father, recalling the words of St. Bonaventure, whose 750th anniversary of his death occurs this year. It was precisely the relationship with the Crucifix that marked Francis' life: "From the beginning, in the church of San Damiano, to the Stigmata, whose eighth centenary we are celebrating. Jesus Crucified calls him to rebuild His house, the Church, which was all in ruins. Francis will do so with the witness of a life radically faithful to Him and His Gospel. Reached by the enlightening word and transforming love of Christ Crucified, he begins to realize that first of all, the house to be repaired is the one in which Jesus wants to be welcomed in order to live therein permanently, as St Bonaventure reminds us", said the Minister, who went on to recall how the Pardon of Assisi calls us "to a new step in permanent and radical conversion to the Lord Jesus,  to become His stable home and to be able to repair the home of so many lives and communities, of so many situations and so many people who are ruined in the Church and in the world."

Br. Massimo, quoting Pope Francis' encyclical Fratelli tutti, referred to the experience of joy that one feels in being reconciled, in repairing a relationship "in ruins", in rebuilding a bond that has been lost.

Immediately after the celebration, the OFM Minister General entered the Portiuncula, which will welcome the faithful and pilgrims, including the young people and families of the Franciscan March who will arrive on the 2nd August. Also tomorrow, in the evening, in the Piazza della Porziuncola, the theatrical show "Fra'" by the Roman actor Giovanni Scifoni will take place; he interprets the poor man of Assisi-Poverello in a personal and contemporary, joyful and reflective way, which is reaping great success in the theaters of Italy. 

Read Br. Massimo's homily (Italian)
See the complete programme of celebrations (Italian)

How St. Francis asked for and obtained the Indulgence of the Portiuncula
One night in the year of Our Lord 1216, Francis was immersed in prayer and contemplation in the little church of the Portiuncula, when suddenly a very bright light shone throughout the church and Francis saw Christ clothed in light above the altar and His Blessed Mother on His right, surrounded by a multitude of Angels. Francis adored His Lord in silence with his face to the ground! They then asked him what he desired for the salvation of souls. Francis' response was immediate: "Most Holy Father, although I am wretched and a sinner, I beg you to grant ample and generous forgiveness to all who, repentant and confessed, come to visit this church, with a complete remission of all sins."

"What you are asking for, Brother Francis, is great," the Lord said to him, "but you are worthy of greater things, and you will have more. I therefore accept your prayer, but on condition that you ask my Vicar on earth, on my behalf, for this indulgence." And Francis immediately presented himself to Pope Honorius III, who was in Perugia in those days, and with candour told him about the vision he had had. The Pope listened to him attentively and after some difficulty gave his approval. Then he said, "How many years do you want this indulgence?" 

Francis replied: "Holy Father, I am not asking for years, but for souls." And happily he walked towards the door, but the Pontiff called him back: "do you not want any documents?" And Francis: "Holy Father, your word is enough for me! If this indulgence is the work of God, He will see to manifesting His work; I don't need any document, this paper must be the Most Holy Virgin Mary, Christ the notary and the Angels the witnesses". And a few days later, together with the Bishops of Umbria, to the people gathered at the Portiuncula, he said through tears: "My brothers, I want to send you all to Heaven!"

(From "The Diploma of Theobald")

The Gift of Indulgence
The Indulgence is the remission before God of the temporal punishment for sins, already remitted as guilt, which the faithful, duly disposed and under certain conditions, acquire through the intervention of the Church, which, as minister of redemption, authoritatively dispenses and applies the treasure of the satisfactions of Christ and the Saints.

Conditions for receiving the Portiuncula Indulgence
(for oneself or for the deceased)

St Francis Letters and Homilies Minister General
Br Massimo Fusarelli MG Homilies Pardon of Assisi
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